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RadioKid (Offline)
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01-31-2021, 02:49 AM

**** 有難迷惑:ありがた めいわく;ARIGATA MEIWAKU ****

I listed up the "Japanese words hard to translate" and sorted. Then this word was listed at the top as it started with "あ".

it means a situation where a favor was made but it is nuisance at the same time.

For example, one of your friends tells you "I will send you to the station. take y car.". But you have something to do on the way to the station : you want to walk.

In this case, western people will not hesitate to refuse friend's convite. Japanese can not.

Japanese can not refuse the convite if it is come from the favor. "ARIGATA-MEIWAKU" is used to describe these situation.

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