Professional Sumo wrestlers in Japan are considering asking the Japan Sumo Association to give them permission to drive.
One of their own was recently suspended, sekiwake Kyokutenho, for driving. The current leader of the wrestler's association is a non-Japanese, Yokozuna and ongolian-born Asashoryu, A member of the Oshima stable, Kyokutenho (also Mongolian-born) was suspended for one tourney and demoted one rank after he was involved in a minor car accident. The association has made no recommendations and emphasizes that they are only discussing the matter... mostly for rekishi who have families.
Of course, if the wrestlers do get their way, a bigger problem will be what they will drive. Maybe Toyota Motors can design a hybrid dump truck with a handle in the dump.
Would you like to ride in a car with a driver who cannot reach his backside or his toes much less bend over to reach a gas pedal or the brakes?
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