Thread: War?
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06-29-2007, 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by ToKyO23 View Post
i see the point of WWI and WWII |we weren't even supposed to b invoved in WWII since we were still in recovery| but the current war has been going on for wht 6 yrs now? killings may show how bad war is, but to another extent the killings bring out our killer instinct--->revenge, which leads to more fighting. Ideas of sending more troops are even rising
You don't seem to realize what kind of country you're living in. The United States have always wanted to control it all, they need to show everyone how powerful their army is and how they can do whatever they set out to do.

They got involved in WWII cause they had made an agreement which forced them to protect the UK, and so when Germany started to bomb London and Manchester (I'm not sure which were the other cities) and the RAF wasn't enough to stop it, the United States sent some support.

Then the neverending battle between comunists and capitalists began and it went on.

This whole war made sense at that time cause WWI hadn't fully been finished and it was obvious it wouldn't end up this way.

Leaving that apart, I don't understand why there're still so many american troopes in Irak, those men don't deserve to die for something that doesn't even exist. You gotta do something to get that prick you got for president out of the White House.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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