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(#48 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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06-29-2007, 07:35 AM

Originally Posted by Skyraida View Post
how could you like battle royale 2? it was terrible, my friends and i were watching both BR 1 and 2, and BR 2 did not compare to BR1, it had no real point, they didn't accomplish ANYTHING, we were all pretty disappointed, plus the movie was way to long...2 hours and 30 minutes was just boring...the first quarter where they're on the boat was okay, but it went downhill from there.
on a side note, Oldboy was a disgustingly great movie.
Oh Skyraida, I don't like it enough to even begin to try and defend it. It was the last movie Kinji Fukasaku worked on before he died (his son finished directing) and I am a big fan of Riki Takeuchi. The problem is once you have Battle Royale, there isn't much to work off of. It was a step backwards to have the kids NOT killing their classmates. That's the whole point. But I did think the idea of "teams" was kinda cool. and the scene with Riki Takeuchi explaining the game was pretty intense. Where Part 1 is action/psychological horror, Part 2 is just action, pretty much.
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