Thread: War?
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06-29-2007, 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by YaksokuDa View Post
USSR are did all the hard work a fuck load of the fighting and wore Germany that what you want to hear? lol
But Norwegians delayed Hitler's A-Bomb for ages. Once they had the A-Bomb it would have been over. So hurray for Norway!!
The actually was not a a-bomb at all... it was the "dirty nuclear bomb" which is not as devastating as the one US dropped on Hirosima and Nagasaki by far... And yes, according to the evidence collected from the SS archives, they did commence a test of this bomb... killing around 300 prisioners (loaded in one building) in Thuringia concentration camp... even a regular aircraft carried bomb would do a damage similar to this...
But i must agree with you on one thing- the sabotage of Norsk Hydro's plant in 1943 by the British commando along with Norvegian militia did delay the reserach of "Hitler's bomb", though, even if they would have not succeeded, the research was taking too long and they would have never created a serious weapon by the end of the war imo....
Actually, the only reason why Germany failed in WWII was the fact that they broke one of the main laws of war waging- they opened the second front and disposed any chances of winning the war... The Russians were the ones who they feared and the Russian son of a bit**es were the ones who stopped the invasion of eastern Europe, forcing Nazi forces to draw back a lot of their forces to eastern front, thus making it easier for the Allies to take back western Europe...
Just for the note, I ain't russian, but this is how I see the historical picture of WWII after reading tons of books regarding it...

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