Thread: War?
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Suki (Offline)
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06-29-2007, 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by Excessum View Post
I see that you did not sleep through your history classes... very very very good!
Do I get some candy? xD

I had a great teacher, truth be said.

Originally Posted by Excessum
I would argue with this statement, as although Blitzkrieg was the (only) key to their success, the completely new war waging strategies they used were the doors... with using all types of forces combined to achieve success, they started a new page in the great book of war which these days is used by all of the armies of the world...
The main problem was that they thought they were bigger than what they actually were. Does the Desert War ring a bell? General Rommel wasn't abel to deal with two things at the same time: fighting the English troopes and desperatly trying to find an oil well, all of this while being chased by General Montgomery. No wonder why the German army was beaten that time, but then again their Blitzkrieg (can't help thinking of the Ramones everytime I type this word) attack did work with Greece.

Originally Posted by Excessum
it was clear only after the battle for Leningrad, you mentioned before... it was the turning point of WWII (not the D-Day or anything, as the Yankees love to believe)... and actually, as trivial it may not sound, in the WWII there was no real victor, there were only the losers, and biggest of them, of course, was Germany...
Well yeah, but since day 1 the Germans were almost like fighting alone. It was Hitler's fight. Italy wasn't as strong, and Japan was by their side cause they were afraid the USSR would grow bigger. They weren’t well coordinated and there was no love among them. xD

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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