Originally Posted by MMM
I liked the Battle Royale movies, as well. (One more than Two, but Two was good). I had seen UZUMAKI, ICHI THE KILLER, TOMIE, and MPD PSYCHO all as movies before seeing manga. I much prefer the TOMIE manga to the movis (I saw the first two) and the same is true for me of MPD PSYCHO. I thought the video by Miike was visually exciting, but the story was impossible to understand. Reading the manga makes it make more sense. GHOST IN THE SHELL:STAND ALONE COMPLEX DVD comes out next week (anime).
I agree with OLD BOY. It is a great movie, but now I wish I hadn't seen in because I know what happens at the end of the manga.
Ok...where do I begin...first of all, I almost always like the manga more then the movie (except in MPD PHSYCO's case). UZUMAKI the manga was much better, and I read it as a manga first, but when I finally got ahold of the movie, I was thinking "How much of this can they addapt into film?" I was pleasantly suprised with how much they were able to do considering how much special affects and computers you would need to remake ANY part of the manga. I saw ICHI THE KILLER before I even knew there was a manga. I was REALLY impressed with how violant and desturbing it was. So when I heard there was a manga I thought..."How much more violant then the film can this be?" I was pleasantly suprised by the fact that the manga was 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% more desturbing. I read TOMIE before I saw any of the films. I think the manga is alot better then all of the films put together, but still I loved the films. If you have only watched the first two, then watch the rest. I HATTED the first two but it went WAY uphill from there. The rest of the films in the sereis were MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better. And with MPD PHSYCO I agree that its ALOT easier to understand the manga. But the movies were so trippy and strange...that feeling just wasnt in the manga...it was dissapointing

Still...at least the manga isnt blurred. I think the more I read the manga the more I will understand the films. When I saw ICHI THE KILLER there were alot of things I didnt understand...but from reading the manga, I understood the plot alot more (the manga was much clearer and they took more time to explain the plot) and it made the film alot better for me. I feel like it will be the same with MPD PHSYCHO.