Proposal Daisakusen: i really liked how the story was going...then the ending came and it was just rawrrrr. but YAMAPI! is in it..meh
Stand Up: NINO! haha i liked this one. It was cute...funny funnny. made me laugh at parts
1 Litre of Tears: I think this was my first drama..that i completed..WOW so sad TT _ TT One of my top favorites for sure...theres a special for it too but the sub for it hasnt been finished yet. MUAWW RYO!
Ganbatte Ikimasshoi: the girl from stand up is in this and so is ryo ^ this was pretty good. a nice change from sad dramas and total loveness. rowing..
Nobuta wo Produce:

DD Another top favorite. Another yamapi! yay! He was very kawaii in this one..[kon!] so are all the other main characters...Maki!
It went by really fast though in my opinion. But great nonetheless
Kurosagi: O.^ good little action-y drama...w/yamapi once again. cuttieee nice storyline but in the end an unfinished romance conclusion! [w/maki >.<] maybe there will be a second season