06-30-2007, 07:30 AM
thats weird. . . i got it off a Japanes record label site. . . lol at least i hope so. I searched for Japanese record labels and thats what i got. wow.
the third one looks like, but isn't part of what i got when i looked up the translation for record. then realized. . . its the wrong kind of record. ^_^
thanks man.
-When in doubt BLOW STUFF UP!!
-Everyone should love three things: computers, cars, and Japan!
-Dude, you just hit me with a cookie!
-English sucks cuzz I already know it.
-Do you think I would have said it in front of you if I thought you would get it?
-I hate when people tell me I have common sense, it's degrading.
Wicked Styles quotes (thats right, this is stuff that I said)