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Alcoholism in Japan? - 06-30-2007, 10:56 AM

I was digging in different Japan news reports when i found one regarding alcohol consumption in Japan, I didn't thought that it's such a big deal there, but when i found statistics (2003) i was shocked... ~60% of all businessman/salesman goes to drink in the local pub, standing bar or cafe after the work... almost every day. I guess that's the way how they try to keep their stress levels down, but considering the fact that the same year (2003) information collected from doctors across the Japan showed that there were over 3 million alcoholics, it doesn't look as just stress-killing alone.
It is hard for me to judge as i haven't been in Japan and i have never seen a drunk japanese businessman being pushed in a taxi, so that's why i am referring to those ones who are living in japan: how bad is it actually? and what measures do the government take to battle this threat to society?

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