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XjapanFOREVER (Offline)
In X we Trust
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06-30-2007, 07:26 PM

The dubut performance of what has the potential to be the GREATEST band on the whole fucking planet (even surpassing X) was yesterday!
I've seen pictures that brought me to tears..... Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not one to cry, but there was no stopping it.....
S.K.I.N made their debut yesterday.......
Yoshiki (ex X Japan)- Drums/Piano
Gackt- Vocals/Piano
Miyavi- Guitar/
Sugizo (ex Luna Sea)- Guitar/Violin....

Concert fucking rocked (I have videos.. XD)
Anyway, Guess who HAD to break his drums again?.....Yoshiki, pretty much just like he did in The Last Live, he tore it up....Completely demolished it...
But anyway, into the concert, Yoshiki left the drums for a Piano, Gackt also left his main position for a Piano on the opposite side of the stage, while Miyavi dropped his guitar for some unknown instrument, and Sugizo dropped his Guitar for a Violin..... And yes, Yoshiki and Gackt playing a duet on the Piano, with Miyavi and Sugizo on their instruments, was fucking magical, there's no other way to put it!....And what made it even sweeter, was the entire thing was improv!!!!

Here's a link to a short vid of the piano/violin part:
YouTube - S.K.I.N - Anime Expo '07 Long Beach (06.29.07) v6

As one person put it, when Yoshiki was on the drums "You could tell he was pouring his heart into this.....and during one part he just let go, and it was easily seen that he was releasing all his anger into this drum part"
It was sooo emotional, it was the first time Yoshiki has played the drums publicly since the Last Live (Dec 31, 1997), and what a fucking comeback it was! Well, what else can you expect from the person that made the greatest band in music history........

The Past may be X, but the future very well may be S.K.I.N

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