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JF Ossan
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07-01-2007, 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by tobi13 View Post
I've discovered where anime discrimination comes from!!!
I think that it might of started like this... older people know of other certain anime that was bought into the western world and was quite naive in it's presentation, mainly (back then) 'lip-sync-ing'. Like racism (obviously ), discrimination can carry through families.
Does anyone else remember Speed Racer, AstroBoy or Kimba the White Lion? I'm only talking about late 80's...I watched it in the mid 90's.
I think there might be some merit to what you are saying. I think when you say "older people" who associate "Japananese animation" with titles, these are a couple of the big ones. "Older people" who know these titles may not know the term "anime".

Moms and dads that know the word "anime" today probably tend to link it to Speed Raceer, sure, but I am also thinking Pokemon and maybe some titles that are more associated with younger kids (and maybe titles that aren't even from Japan!).

But know that anime discrimination is probably WORSE in Japan (believe it...or DON'T) With greater access comes greater problems...
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