07-03-2007, 12:33 AM
im late 2 lol
but wii is definately super fun, better if you got alot of friends to play.
good party system.
ps3, great hardware, intense graphics and games. a lil lacking in the Titles but im sure it will pick up.
Id get the wii for now and wait til ps3 lets out some good titles.
There both good in their own way.
comes down to what your personal preference is
theres always gona be hard core Sony people and Nintendofreaks.
i personally love both.
same argument with PSP and DS
even tho Ds OWNS the psp.... until you hack the psp and you can play pretty much any thing on it.
then again i have a ds w/ R4 and M3 i can put movies/mp3s/programs/any game i want on it for free =D
Last edited by Housetek : 07-03-2007 at 12:36 AM.