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(#58 (permalink))
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Haggis (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: England
07-03-2007, 11:34 AM

In some cases I actualy got bored of the repetative violance because there was no story. In the case of Gantz I was bored after the first few volumes because all they did was go into the game and kill alians...over and over and over...its like...whats the point?
I totally agree that Gantz was really poor and I know that most people will disagree with me but I thought Elfen Lied was even worse. Episode 1 showed a lot of promise but then when it settled down into romantic comedy mode it was just tedious. The main characters were annoying and the whole 'Nyu' thing simply did my head in. The show didn't need more violence or nudity, more plot and background stories would have helped.
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