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kokunin (Offline)
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07-03-2007, 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by YaksokuDa View Post
This 'Western-style democracy' you speak of, should only apply to the US and communists in Europe.
No true western democracy would do something so unreasonable.
we take our democracy from athens of greece, with alittle of some various other thoughts which came from britain. In reality this "western" thought that you guys use is what made the U.S. a power to be reconned with. Until very recently have we become a feeble nation (and you can write that down somewhere). We've accomplished A ton in our history, we've revolutionized the world time and again, matter of fact people in connectivut (i think it was connecticut) made the internet. I lik apolitician with a brian for truth, to me. I am an African american, i don't like the thought of slavory, i don't see the purpose in it, yet it happened, alot of things wrong with it, but it happened. I feel as though...I'm glad I'm here though...How many other countries can say they took the world by storm in under 300 yrs. China's been around for over 3000 yrs. and they can't say they've done that. Egypts been around for over 5000 yrs. and can't say that...Many things wrong with this country, we take alot of other country's brightest minds (at least that's what alot of people seem to say but...)- the brightest minds WANTED to come here, in fact f they wanted to stay where they were they could've...Einstien would have been killed by the gestapo if he stayed any longer so he cam eto america (you don't have that kind of political thought and keep sharp minds around, they just don't survive for reasons I can say later). The bombing wasn't necessary, but was necessary. You have to fight a war FULL HEAD ON ALL THE TIME, right? Then that means the war might have taken a few 1,000,000 other lives ,whether japanese or american or BOTH. Which then tells me that if I want my friends to come home and i want to survie and we have the capapbility to END the game quicklly and decisive then LIGHT THAT SUCKER!!! whats 200,000 people to 1,000,000 or more. that's liek 100 dollars to 2. SO as you can see, risk and survival thought intact, the bomb was good. If you think about it, JAPAN or AMerica definitely would have stomped, and when i say stomped, I mean run up in your camp shoot everyone but the general take the wives and children shoot them or put them into slave labor and call the country Big japan or America2. As you can see, its evident that we might not be who we are today if the war weren't stopped.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

good night...
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