Dose any one like AA? (ASCII Art).
Using the ”
きごう” kigou Menu on most Japanese text programs (I.e. The Language bar on your computer if you have Japanese installed.)
Here is an example to go with X mas
_( ・∀・) ヤア
/ o つ
(・∀・ ) ゴソゴソ
((oi と)
/⌒○ アレ?
(・∀・;) ゴソゴソ
((oi と)
(二二二) アタ♪
(・∀・ )
/oi と)
○⌒\ ドゾ
_( ・∀・)愛
/ o つ
If any one has some or has found some AA go ahead and post them here. (^_^)