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07-04-2007, 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by YaksokuDa View Post
Difference is, Pearl Habour, as dishonourable as it was, was a part of warfare. The A-Bomb isn't warfare, it's too destructive to be concidered anything else but mass murder. If you're going to drop it drop it off the shores of Tokyo, let them see what a big bastard it is and go from there, not drop it on innocent people. u_u

Although there was no racial motivation, as I stated, Americans shot survivers in battles, they stripped them naked and humiliated them for being physically inferior to Americans then shot them.
See in Iraq? Prisoners stacking into pyrimids, naked. And when a soldier shot a Iraqi man that had nothing to do with military fights, just because he was pretending to be dead. All these people saying "America is the best, we stand for what is right". ect get on my nerves, no country is so good as a lot of Americans make their country out to be.

Thats America for you...anyone recall the cartoons from that time... like tokio jokio and such. Oh and the songs from that time.

Anywho the bombing was was to rather then target a military base lets drop it on civilians?

Originally Posted by Suki
Right, and what's war all about? ò_Ó

I never said that's the way it has to be, I just pointed out how it works.

Anyway, you think dropping a bomb is less legitimate than shooting a gun (when it comes to war)?
Well...a gun blast aimed at a person usually shoots that one person. I think its very different to just drop a huge bomb and indiscriminantly kill anyone in its path...

I think that it was a war crime. It ended the made people scared, and they never had to really fight in the war.

Originally Posted by Suki

I agree that citizens shouldn’t have been involved, but let's get it straight: If you are at war all you want is for your enemy to suffer, and the best way is killing, the more people the better, to show them how dangerous it is to mess with you. I'm sorry guys, but that's the way it is.
When the biggest non-nucular bomb was created and tested in florida iraq surrendered. They saw its destructive power. Others cases like this have happened in the past. It is not necessary to kill hundred of thousands of innocent people to scare them. Its just barbaric. They didn't even target a place with high military activity. Instead a place with low military activity. It wasn't even about military if they cared that much about it they would have picked a more active place. So we can't but assume they just wanted to kill as many innocent people as they could and why? Well thers no good reason, or a reason at all for that matter. I am sure the Japanese would have been surrendered weather the bomb was droped on a high military area or not (like it was).

Pearl habor was bad I admit but really its not that horrible. The rest of the world is suffering and America's mother country is being attacked and they just turned a blind eye and put their ships in a very vulnerable area because all is perfect in America...quite selfish.

The kamikaze stories sadden me more then the pearl habor ones. Its most likely because I detest America, and I am not very patriotic but who can blame me.

This reminds me...the kamikaze attacks were sucessful for a little while then they didn't really work. Japan was already loseing. What was the need for such a huge bomb...they were not that big of a threat later on in the war near the time when they droped the bomb. Why not go after germany instead. I think a A-bomb over germany would have been more sucessful and justified. Perhaps not on Germany but maybe a spot where lots of nazi's were. The world would be scared the war would be over and this thread wouldn't be here. Noone would be upset with 100 thousand nazi's dieing because who really cares about nazi's. Japan would have surrendered and wouldn't have been bombed.

Thats the way it should have gone.
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