07-04-2007, 11:46 PM
I voted.....yes..
i think its really important cus nowbody here mustn't hide their sex.
we don't have reason 2 do that....
i don't think that u guys would feel good if somebody would think u r a girl..
example-u r a boy.how would u feel if somebody would think u a girl..lol hahahahaha that would be stupid....well if some fool guys here doesn't see it stupid so they like it(to be called a girl)....then.....u r ****........sorry i cant tell that cus here is not the right place to ofend somebody..
i hope i'm not wrong...
so...how do u think????
Hate--almost all..
Coment--..........2060...is my day....its Apocalipse....hahaha....that will be your last day...death will come for you....i mean i'll be there....
see you in hell......
The truth---He is always alone.......in the endless darkness......his tormentet soul is back.......die humans.....human sucker........he's here.......on jp forum.......death is always with him......