Originally Posted by TexMex
So are there different dialects in English. I spoke to a British when he was in Austin for South by Southwest and even thouugh our accents were different we understood each other perfectly. By the way, I was raised speaking both English and Spanish...I am proud to say that I am 100% Mexican blood!! My coworkers are Mexican and Venezuealan and we speak to each other in Spanish all day. If there is a word one of us does NOt unerstand, we ask each other what it means...Thus we increase our vocabulary..When I was in Virginia I lost alot of Spanish because there wasn't any one to practice with so I had to relearn it when I came back to Texas...I wil always speak Spanish because when you lose a language, you loose a culture....Adios
El problema es que el resto del mundo cree que sea cual sea el país donde se hable castellano es México, y esto no me gusta porque de la misma forma que a un francés nadie lo va a relacionar con alguien que viva en Sierra Leone por hablar el mismo idioma, un español no tiene nada que ver con un mexicano. Compartimos idioma, sí, pero son culturas y países completamente distintos. De hecho, hay montones de gente que creen que España está en centro América... sólo trato de combatir la ignorancia.