Originally Posted by kireikoori
Very intertwined. I suppose since Buddhism is a non-Theistic religion one could believe in reincarnation while being an Atheist.
I've never run into an Atheist that said they believed in the afterlife before. So I'd be very interesting in hearing YaksokuDa's views on the afterlife.
I myself am a Pandeist who believes(or at least hopes) that the afterlife is you become a ghost. My believe in the afterlife is alot more complicated than that and I could go into more detail but I think ghost explains it well enough.
Einstein was a Pantheist. Atheists don't believe in souls. The idea of the soul is within the realm of divinity which Atheists don't believe in.
I am an atheist and I beleive in after life...the after life is only made divine by other people. Souls are only made divine by what people think and feel as well. What one see's as divine the other may not. I do not see souls and such as divine. For me to see that divine I would have to beleive in some sort of deity to make the soul which I don't.
There were some test scientist were doing a a few years ago...searching for the soul is what they were doing or something like that. They took a person who had had their arm amputated. It was put under a special type of camera and they could see the outline of an arm one that obviously wasn't connected to the body.