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animedude3 (Offline)
Posts: 58
Join Date: Jul 2007
07-07-2007, 07:10 PM

oh yea, but 4 is only "yon" when you count in groups. u count in groups, instead of 10's. so it would be: ich, ni, san, shi, go, ruk, sich, hach, kyu, jyu, and if you want to go to twentys, you start with 2, so ni, ni, san, shi, go , ruk, sich, hach, kyu, jyu, and then san ni, san, shi (etc), and finnally yan, ni, san, shi, go, ruk, sich, and so on. it sounds really complicated i know, messege me if u dont get it. (i learned all this stuf from karate). i also know some other words, hajame is start, yow may is stop, and a buch of fighting stances u probably dont want to know. anyways, thats all i know, good luck finding more!

... lets just pretend we never met, kay?
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