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666metaladept666 (Offline)
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Location: Quebec, Canada , North America, Earth..... God's kingdom
Smile Looking for a japanese [click for more detail] - 07-08-2007, 01:07 AM

Hi I am a french canadian and I'm looking for a japanese talking at least english(or french) and japanese to help me learning japanese and maybe I could help him/her if he/she wants to learn french

//I already know some of the base (a little bit of Hiragana and romanji) and I can say few phrase like (watashi wa Simon desu.) and I'm taking online class but I still need some help and a japanese friend ^^\\

So if you...

- Are japanese (would be better if you live in japan but it's not obligatory )
- Speak english/french
- Speak japanese
- Are interested in helping me learning japanese

... Please send me and e-mail at [email protected]

Thanks to everybody

Last edited by 666metaladept666 : 07-08-2007 at 01:11 AM.
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