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jasonbvr (Offline)
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12-25-2006, 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by EbonyVampiria View Post
do not at any time stick your chopsticks in rice and leave them there, it is very rude as they only do this for their dead, oh and don't point at things with them either - hope this helps :-)
You have to stick them straight up for it to be completely like a funeral ceremony, but yeah don't leave you're hashi (c'sticks) in the food. You will either have a little tray to rest the tips on or set them on a napkin or the side of your dish. More c'stick etiquette, do not pass food from one person to another using your hashi between the two of you. You can pass the dish or use your hashi to put it on their plate, but no passing from hashi to hashi.

Other stuff, bowing is a big one. Just a nod will do most of the time unless it is something more formal. Three words you need to know, sumimasen (excuse me), gomen nasai (sorry) and arigatou (thanks). They say these three words and variations of them more than any words in the language.
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