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(#18 (permalink))
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Avary_Ninja (Offline)
Semi-competent Ninja
Posts: 416
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-25-2006, 07:45 AM

Ramen Noodles etiquette : Slurp sound when you eat Ramen Noodles is the polite thing. It show appreciation for the food. Well, actually the slurping sucks in air with the noodles, cooling them down so you don't burn your tastebuds.

Chopsticks etiquette : The proper way to set chopsticks on a table is to lay them directly in front of the guest, pointing to the left. Pointy end of the chopsticks must rest on a chopstick resting device.

"Men, I do not order you to fight; I order you to die". ~ Mustapha Kemal at the Battle of Gallipoli
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