Haha aye that's what I meant ;p
They're amazing <3~x There isn;t much info on them and are quite old but it brings back so many guid memories <3~x
To be honest, I don;t actually like japanese music, I think it's something to do with the voices (jrock bands sound like they're trying to sing Japanese with an American accent? And jpop singers are mainly females who try to be "cute" and sing all high pitched? D

and actually can;t stand bands like Dur We Gay ;p
Anyways, the pillows are the only jmusic type band i've liked for ages and then I found Alice Nince, Do As Infinity etcetc Still don;t like Japanese music that much though.
the pillows – Music at Last.fm
: D
Dunnp why that first track is there, the "Lemme Count The Ways" one. It's shite and definately not by them.