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AoshiShinomori (Offline)
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07-10-2007, 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by QueenNanami View Post


Having a Death note makes you way more powerful then if you just wave around a gun screaming "I'm a God i got a gun everyone bow to me!" no ones gonna listen to that wacko x.x but people after awhile are going to listen to the faceless man with a death note killing people Because! It is scary and no one knows who it is.


But my point is that people see Kira as a Real God. L knew Kira was a false God. people would bow down to him out of fear. You aren't supposed to fear your god. God is supposed to forgive and love all of his creations. in other words in the peoples eyes Kira can be both. a real and a false god to everyone. People believe he is god because he has the power to play that way. Even L himself fell to the false gods powers...
Queeenie again! This thread lives on coz of our SPK group ^^.

Using your same logic, people would still fear a man with a gun. Take our loving pigmy's in the amazon again. They have no clue what a gun is. For all the world they think it's a kind of bark that is especially delicious when made into soup. But all of a sudden a crazed lunatic pops up with a real weapon and bang! five pigmy's bite the dust. Mr.Senior Psychopath becomes the newly elected "god". What's more he won't really last as god long because the pigmy's can see the method he uses to claim life. They know it's all down to that stick with a trigger thingamabog and if you take that away he's just a looney freak again.

On the other hand Kira has a means of killing that people don't suspect. Even if they saw Kira write something in the notebook and shortly after someone pops their clogs, they wouldn't make a connection between writing in a note and someone dying. Why? Simply because writing is a common daily activity that people believe is harmless. You and I and everyone around here (including our recently dead pigmy angels ;_; ) know that a gun is far from harmless. Consequently anyone using a gun and shooting at someone else can be singled out at once.

So what does that mean to the argument? It means that Kira is certainly not a god. Not a real one, not even a fake one and certainly not of his own world even if it ever comes into existence. The best he can be called is a dictator or an autocrat. You can't really play a god if you have a power that can be stolen. One person stealing the deathnote from under Kira's shoes and making the eye deal could have Kira's life in a moment and suddenly become the new "god". God isn't just a being with a power no one else has. It's a being with such power that can't be stolen. A power that is a defining attribute of the entity itself. In a true sense, the deathnote is the only "god" around here although not being able to think for itself makes it loose out on that title .

God needn't be forgiving or loving. That's what we want god to be. It's entirely possible that there exist a set of beings who want god to be cruel, because that's the way the define their lives (whacko's for sure). In their case a loving God is false one .

Which brings us to the final point, even if Kira was born with such a power so that it couldn't be stolen, he still wouldn't be god to all of us. Why? For the same reason that queenie pointed out. Our concept of God doesn't just rely on superior power. It relies on belief and faith as well. As long as people don't believe in Kira he wouldn't be a god whether or not the deathnote was a gift or a natural ability. And that boils down to one fact, Kira will only ever be god to that subset of people who really believe in him (like Mikami and his co-believers). To those that believe he is simply a dictator/murderer Kira will always remain a criminal (like good 'ol L and more recently Near )

Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe?
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