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aikawaii (Offline)
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07-10-2007, 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by mishasu View Post
ive tryed what u said but i cant get out of the city i'm in.

so im really confused now. n guarding doesnt do anything. i just get hurt.

i cant change my red mage to white becuase i dont have any weopons for her to use and she doesnt have enough level to just use her magic.

can any one help?
If you are still in the city don't try the JL leveling thing, the idea is tht there weak so you can guard and not get hurt too much lol ^^ and dnt change jobs until you get a chance to buy weapons.. I think a weapon shop is open in one village..and once you get out the castle and JL up u will get the MP you need ^^

So you went to the castle with the prince but didnt have to fight? hmmm... try talking everywere.. normally helps me When you defeat the guy go talk to some people in the castle i think and they give you a new airship.. A REALLY FAST ONE tht later on in the game you can modify to go underwater in hehe Hope tht helps

and btw Yups, you started on the floating contient

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Last edited by aikawaii : 07-10-2007 at 06:17 PM.
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