Domo, Unknown-san
Posts: 66
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Following L around and tugging on his sleeve.
Farewell General Discussion -
07-11-2007, 02:47 AM
Since there are so many stupid and useless topics in the General Discussion area, I would like to suggest something that will cause many people to flip out and probably flame me, but oh well.
So, I would like to suggest getting RID of the General Discussion area. There is an area for all aspects of Japan basically, and since there is nothing decent in the General discussion anymore, and it just serves as a spamming and Flaming area, it at least should be only for member intro/pictures/absences...things that actually matter, and not what color the latest cheese wheel to be invented is.
First off, we really don't care what color your underwear is. Yes, I know this comes as a shock to you and that you are probably hurt very deeply, but we don't.
Secondly, all the helpful threads are hardly used anymore. And that is because your stupid threads have caused older members to leave, and those were the people who actually talked about Japan and gave helpful info.
So how do we solve this problem? Simple. There is a wonderful thing called: *dun dun dun* INSTANT MESSENGER. This wonderful offer is for a limited time only...FOREVER!!! So hurry while it only lasts, forever!
Or, if you like the world seeing your rude posts, and feel that others should see how stupid they are and how great you are, then you can make your own forum for free! Isn't this a great thing!?! It's so simple, in fact, I have done this with a few friends and it solves a lot of problems. You and your little band can happily spam or just chat, while us who signed onto a Japan forum to learn about Japan can learn!
Plus, it saves poor Kanji from having to constantly read your spam post about how a alien popped up from a manhole and ate you alive. That way L can have a break and post his great wisdom with us. ^_^
I don't really care how much you don't like this idea. But this is a suggestion and I am suggesting it. So Eki.....please consider doing something about this, we don't want Japan forum to go down the tube. >_<