Originally Posted by jasonbvr
As for female gaijin, hmmm, hard to say because I don't want to generalise but sometimes I've heard some complete BS. Take for example the complaint of not being able to find clothes and shoes that fit then they'll immediately label Japanese women as anorexics. Well, a lot of guys have the exact same problems or at least I do. I buy a lot imported clothes because I can't get the jeans to fit my fat, American thighs.
Then there is the complaint that Japanese girls are too girly to hang out with. To which I answer, you're right they are a lot of really girly girls out there but there are some that are really cool too. And if you haven't noticed how vain some Japanese men are, you should expect the women to be a little more feminine to, um, you get the picture I hope. What else is there, how about the ones that say Japanese girls can't dance just because they refuse to shake/rub their ass all over a bunch strangers.
Then you have the fact that every gaijin male is automatically labeled as one with an Asian fetish because he looks/talks to a Japanese girl. Well, I know a lot of guys who are. You can spot them fairly easily because they are the ones constantly trying to get the girl to go home with them after the first date or first conversation and if you are a dude they always start showing you their massive Asian porn collection when you end up at their apartment and making disgusting comments about school girls. *sicko's* But there are a few who happen to be decent guys who just happen to lack the availability of gaijin women who we find attractive or interesting.
Haha, things really are quite similar in Japan!
I'm not saying all of the female laowai in China are bitter and racist. I've met many nice foreign women in China. But honestly, I've become leery of introducing my fiancee to foreigners here in Hangzhou, the city I live in, because we've had so many negative experiences. For example, my girlfriend being completely ignored the whole time were having dinner with a group of foreigners, or being given dirty looks because some foreign woman is sick of not getting the attention she wants (because the foreign men are more interested in the Chinese girls than her).
I understand having foreign friends that were you back home you'd normally have nothing to do with, but hang out with in Asia simply because you are both equally non-Japanese/Chinese. I've met some real . . . um, how to say, unique individuals under these circumstances.
Something that happens here, and is the same in Japan I'm sure, is how completely normal guys turn into super-players when they arrive in China. Meaning, guys that aren't particularly good looking or have real "skills" turn into total womanizers. Am I right?