Wow Near you talk like you've been here forever! you really do

you even called me Queenie n.n
But really i just think that even if it doesn't benefit anybody General Discussion has it's good Points

its for people to Generally Discuss things

There's no rule that this whole forum has to be about Japan. If So then why do they have Relationship talk? So that people could get advice on Relationships :/ this place does gather a lot of people who are interested in Japan BUT you have to remember that Even the Death note thread Can be considered spamming sometimes. I know you like to post there

because we don't discuss how we want to go to Japan there we talk about random Death note stuff and fight each other over weird things (like how lazy Ryuk is!)
My point is if you want to get rid of General Discussion then everyone that spams that area of the forum is going to move the spam threads to a different part of the forum.
I vote we keep the GD part of the Forum! Sorry Near