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(#12 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
07-12-2007, 01:19 PM

Well Excessum, those are definitely good ideas to present to ShinjukuEki-sama.

I have always said that General Discussion should be turned into a spam area, where posts don't increase, and the topics don't matter. I never suggested that if be removed entirely, I just think that the way it is now should be discarded, and turned into a new area. We need a section just for newcomers (like the JPF Service Desk) :P and another area for members to chat about whatever the heck they want (in accordance to the rules) with out worry that it'll be removed. Such as naming it The JPF Lounge or something, since naming it "spam" wouldn't be a great idea, since spam is a bad thing. We don't want to promote it. >_>