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jonasan (Offline)
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Large families in Japan - 07-12-2007, 08:17 PM


This is my first post. I have a question for those who have families in Japan. In otherwords you are in Japan and you have more than say 2 or 3 children.

1. Do you find it difficult to find accomodations?

2. Have you been able to still get around on public transit or do you almost have to have a vehicle to make it work.

3. Do people ask you dumb or rude questions or do you feel you are discriminated against because you have a larger family?

Why I am asking these questions, well I spent 4 years in the UK and my family went from 2 children to 4 thanks to having twins. When we returned to Canada we had 2 more.

In Britain we were considered a huge family at 6 people (including parents) there is a lot of discrimination against parents with larger families (not direct but understated).

In Canada we have found that renting with this size of family is a challenge because most modern housing is just not built for families as large as ours. As well we can by exactly 4 vehicles unmodified in order to have room for everyone.

So long story short, I am just finishing my Degree and we are taking a look at several options including spending some time teaching in Japan. While I have considered it a fairly difficult process if not impossible, I am just curious to know if anyone else has tried to move over with a large family and what was the out come.

Really I am not usually this long winded...
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