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Lilongyue (Offline)
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07-13-2007, 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Is it so terrible for a person who never got any attention in his/her home country to capitalize on his/her newfound popularity? Of course if they hurt people or take advantage of them, that is not right. I have seen lots of "average" guys and gals from the West use their foreign charms to meet people, make friends, date, etc. Both men and women.

"No girls would talk to me in America, but here in Japan, they are actually interested in what I have to say,"

If that was my experience, you can't really blame them for being more social . . .
Not at all, like Jasonvbr I was refering only to the negative side of the situation, womanizing. People being lied to, manipulated and taken advantage of only for sex ain't cool. This kind of behavior actually contributes to the racism that does exist towards foreigners. I've had to work really hard with my finacee to convince her that all American's aren't womanizers. That there are normal people in America raising families, have values, morals and a sense of responsibility to their family and spouse.
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