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Lilongyue (Offline)
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Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C
07-13-2007, 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by samokan View Post
yeah, each chinese characters have only one reading. Lots of chinese actually would prefer to take the JLPT 1 or 2 rather than 3 or 4. because 1 and 2 is mostly compose of Kanji, so they can understand most of it even though they cant pronounced it.
There are some characters that have different readings, like 行,which can be read xing2, or hang2, or 还 which can be read hai2 or huan2, plus a few others. When the characters were simplified, characters with different pronunciations, or similar pronunciations but different tones, were rendered as the same 汉字. For example, 乾 (gan1) which means "dry" and 幹 (gan4) which means "to do" among other things, were both simplified to 干.

By the way, made a mistake in an earlier post. "Mobile phone" is 手机 shou3 ji1,not 手几 shou3 ji3.
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