Originally Posted by kireikoori
And I'm guess you failed the class too.
My parents pressured me to learn Spanish. I eventually broke down and took it. And failed it. They never suggested it again. You can't learn a language unless you actually like it. And you can't make yourself like something. If you don't like it...you won't be able to truly learn. And what you do learn will be forgotten quickly. Language is no small thing.
Sad thing about failing that course...it that it slowed me down from my going back and living in Japan. I need four years of college to work there from what I understand.
What kind of teacher forces you into taking a course. While French is my favorite Latin based languages...I don't much care for Latin bases languages period. I wouldn't enjoy a French class.
Making someone learn a language is fascist. They can't do that to you. Protest all you need. If necessary, perhaps you could change schools.
hmm yes I am serious about it so maybe changing schools could be an option o_0
U raised some very good points here thankyou
at least now I have good points for an argument, thankyou!