Originally Posted by ToKyObOxRoBoT
i wouldn't die....
i'd go into a deeep deeeeeeeeeep depression that no one could get me out of....
Deeply concur.
It sucks greatly when bands break up completely.. I would definitely have cried.
~Visual Kei: My rockstars are prettier than yours~ Rulers of my heart: Bou(AnCafe), Maya(LMC), Aiji(LMC) MAYA and AIJI are CLAIMED BY ME. ^.^
<3My Family!:<3
Gaypals: NanteNa and Jo_Kittie!!
Sisters: Kurishi and pixuli!
Brother: XjapanFOREVER!
Daughters: Tiki808 and JrockAddict!
Cousins: Sachiko and Hentaro!