Originally Posted by Nyororin
The government is to blame.
Saying it`s because Japanese men don`t screw their girlfriends/wives enough is immature and arrogant on your part.
Oops, I guess maybe you`re just not responsible enough to take care of the children YOU create, whereas Japanese men in general ARE.
Blaming any government is like blaming the whole of society : useless because nobody is held accountable for individual failings so nobody does anything to correct the situation. It's also very childish.
I'm not being arrogant; just envious. These guys are wasting water in the middle of the desert and when the last drop is spent they'll be hurting to no end.
Hoping to succeed at the challenge of building a household with a wife for life and 3 children whose good education will benefit society as well as providing me with happiness is hardly irresponsible. But spending huge amounts of money and time
to screw inanimate objects can hardly be considered the paragon of virtue.