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(#904 (permalink))
Aleesunz (Offline)
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07-14-2007, 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by gloomth View Post
cuz looking like a "dyke" would be ever so terrible.
some of us might take offence to that sort of homophobic crap. fyi.
sorry to be rude but you were first with the "dyke" comment. and i have a lot of trouble ignoring things like that....:s
Eep. Naah it's fine. I just usually forget that some people take offense with things like that. I've got a few friends who are bi/gay/lezzoors but we're pretty open about it and just joke about it in a non-offending waay so I get too used to it sometimes.

I don't mean stuff like that literally, I use it like it'd use most of my other words - "bums", "fannycockpots", "yourface" etcetc (This in no way means I associate gays etc with "bums" or whatever incase you thought that too D: ) - But ayye. Sorry if I offended anyone, it's just hard to know who takes offense at what these days. You get people who take everything too seriously and find everything you say offensive ;_; Yet agains - Sorry D: If you'd prefer, i'll just stop making comments like that in future posts on JF.

Housetek - I don;t smile in photos. Feels too weird. XD

MariYa - Omgwow! I love your hair at the back. Kind of how I was trying but failing to do mines. I've got a friend who uses that stuff and says it's amazing. I'm rubbish at using straightners D: So I just kind of blow dried my hair upside-down and then put in LOADS of gel before it tried and hung upside down from my bed for a bit...XD

./Let's Pretend We Don't Exist, Let's Pretend We're In Antartica

x~ ;p