07-14-2007, 04:26 PM
Agreed. Manga characters are based on simplified versions of real people, although over time they may have changed a bit. IE - if you compare an older and a newer piece of manga you can see that the art style has changed also. Everyone has a different style, but manga as an art has also evolve or whatever. (Christ why am I being so tongue tied today? D: )
And haha, I have a friend who is acutally WHITE white, like zombie white. XD So she can't wear foundation or whatever because there isn;t any in her skin colour hahaha.
And about the skin thing. I think it's more to do with tone than light/darkness? Like if you compare a pale asian and a pale caucasian(sp?) asians kind of look more...Green? and Caucasians more...Pink? (Not trying to be racist here) Also the same if you look at a tanned Asian+Caucasian, the tone's are also different.