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Hatredcopter (Offline)
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07-15-2007, 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by Excessum View Post
NO NO NO!!! Japanese popular culture has been contaminated with the junk food too much already... youngsters don't eat sushi, they prefer the unhealthy hamburger instead T_T
Welcome to Japan. They also have their own junkfood -- stuff that hasn't been brought in from the USA or elsewhere.

By the way, sushi is really only eaten occasionally in Japan. Usually for special events/occasions. It's not like they just scarf them down on a daily basis.

Don't they have such high metabolsim that it doesn't really matter what they eat? They just burn it all off and get hungry again quick.
No, Japan is getting fatter by the day. They do probably have better metabolism than your average westerner, but adult Japanese typically lead unhealthy lives when it comes to food choice, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.

Last edited by Hatredcopter : 07-15-2007 at 03:40 AM.
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