Younger generations in Japan are usually more open and more willing to socialize with foreigners than the older generations. I lived in Japan for a year (going back again after I graduate), and I never had any big issues with the locals -- made many friends among them, in fact.
Originally Posted by Annariette
(Why is it though, that Japanese still want to come to America even though they know we're loud and rude and an overall disgusting culture? Or is this just me being misinformed?)
For every one thing that's wrong with American culture, there's something wrong with Japanese culture. There are many differences, and Japanese are generally more polite indeed, but you must live in both Japan and America before you can draw any in depth comparison between the two cultures. Things aren't always as they seem. Japanese want to come here for the same reason Americans want to go to Japan; the culture is 'exotic' to them, and totally different.
I see a lot of this on Japan forum. People from America (or from Australia, NZ, UK, Europe, or anywhere) all resent their culture and have a tendency to believe Japanese culture is superior in various ways. The truth is, many young Japanese feel the very same way about
their own culture at times - that it is riddled with problems and nuisances.