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pixuli (Offline)
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07-16-2007, 09:43 PM

Many people don't care about the global warming or take it too lightly. But I do care! Even if Global warming is a good thing to Finland but not to the world!
we have these electricy saving lamps (I don't know what are they called) and I don't leave things on stand by. I always shut the lights if I don't need them and take short showers with cool water. I use public transformers (I'm not sure are they called like that) and usually never use car...simply because it is broken and nobody cares to fix it... there's no need to car anyway I recycle too.

I watched live earth! It was good, I even got to the atmosphere.
It was fun.

"You can't be a cook if you can't work with onions."
"You can start with this lonely onion."
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