Originally Posted by Suki
Agreed. Everyone's acting like it's the fucking end of the world, well then stop complaining and go do something about it. Plus there're plenty of other problems just as important but no! global warming is first cause we don't want people to know about starvation, poverty, drugs, slavety, etc.
...this thread makes me giggle

I doubt that todays governments are not focussing on starvation and other drama's you mentioned. You can't deny that this is also a subject that needs attention though if we want our kids kids kids to have kids

The concerts were nice and a lot of great music was played, so Im happy.

I dont plan to put any kids on this world so I'm not much concerned to what happens to it after I pass away though..(If reincarnation does appear to be true, Im f****ed, but I'm not going let that worry me
