Thread: Wii or PS3?
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Vulgarism (Offline)
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12-31-2006, 02:25 PM

I've always been against Sony. I've always had problems with their items, be it Sonicstage (If anybody knows what that is, they'll automatically know what I am talking about) or just the quality. I had sold my PS2, but I decided 2 years later (just this past october, actually) to pick up a new one. I will admit the PS2 has an amazing library that I needed to get my hands on again.

But I feel Sony is taking advantage of what they have. They lie to the consumer (FULL backwards compatability, eh?) and they release the smallest ammount of systems possibly to drive demand through the roof (that company must love it's consumers...) and make sure that they are making the most they can.

With problems on the first released PS3 days after the launch, that wasn't a good start. Somebody breaking their nose in Milwaukee because the store decided to have the customers run across a parking lot to get a spot to get a PS3. What the hell is that? It is a god damn gaming system. And yet Sony does what they will to sell out.

But the sad thing is I have seen PS3s in stock at stores. I've yet to see the Wii. I'd love to get a Wii; it looks amazing and fun as all hell.

Sony better wise up if they don't want the PS3 to turn into a PSP. Oh yeah, and losing 90% of your exclusives (MGS4 is still up in the air) doesn't help your cause neither.

Cut down your discomfort wings.
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