Thread: Wii or PS3?
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12-31-2006, 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Xenomorph View Post
I think you are throwing around a few common misconceptions there Vulgarism. Here's my take:

- PS2 didn't have a great launch lineup, just like the PS3 now. It's too early to judge these exclusives and also some of the supposed XBOX 360 exclusives are starting to go to the PS3. This recent trend however has nothing at all to do with the PS3 it is purely economics: it's expensive to make games so why stick to one platform? Take this for fact: neither the Wii, XBOX nor PS3 will have EVERY game everyone wants.
The PS2 did have a less-than-stellar launch lineup, but the games got moderate reviews. From what I've seen, the PS3 has gotten low reviews. Granted, Resistance is getting great scores, but that is being dragged down by the likes of Mobile Suit Gundam, Genji, and Untold Stories. The 360 had Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Project Gotham Racing 3, and, soon after, Oblivion. We can argue that Oblivion is coming to the PS3, but Capcom is no longer a sony exclusive, and it is CONFIRMED that not only is Armored Core 4 coming to the 360, but also Virtual Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5 (no longer just on a Nintendo system or Sony system)... And possibly Metal Gear Sold 4. Oh yeah, and Crysis is a possibility... With that being said, the PS3 will most likely get Dead Rising, but if you are buying a system for games.. Would you rather spend $400 or $600??

- I'd be curious to know what these PS3 problems are you have been referring to. My PS3 has been going strong for me and I bought it on launch day in Nagoya.
PS3 broken straight out of the box - Joystiq

Granted, that is just one, but straight out of the box. I'd be pissed. I am not saying Sony is just shelling out defective products... But I've never had a Sony product last too long. You could argue I might be using my product in ways it isn't supposed to be used... But seriously... When an MP3 player has the memory wiped because it fell from a height of my knee onto thin carpet... That is not quality.

- And people breaking their noses is not Sony's fault, it is people's fault. Just in the same way that MacDonald's isn't responsible for people getting fat. If peope want to go crazy shooting each other and fighting just for a few bucks on ebay, that's only their fault.
I agree with you there, but people are willing to take the risk to get it. Sony (and every other company, for that matter) market their newest item as a godsend, and people will do anything for it. Besides, delay after delay with the PS3 didn't help. It took them a few years to finally announce a stable release date.

- As for the availability in stores of the PS3 and Wii, there are a couple of factors to consider: the PS3 is twice as expensive and secondly they don't stay on those shelves for too long. Suddenly supply has been ramped up. Units sitting on a shelf is no sign of a failure otherwise every consumer product known to man (which somewhere in the world is sitting on a shelf) is a failure. Why must everything be another Tickle Me Elmo to be deemed success?
The shortage of like 400,000 units says something. If you'd say there are 40 huge cities in just the U.S. with more than 100,000 people, that means that 10,000 systems go to that city. That is leaving out every single other city in the U.S... Besides, the place that I live in is 10,000 people... We got about 12 PS3s on launch day, and when the second round arrived, I saw a PS3 at our local wal mart. The city (Sturgeon Bay) is also the only larger city in our county, so it is the main shopping place for about 40,000 people. That means out of 40,000 people, only around 23 wanted a PS3. Now just remember I am doing just a rough rough estimate to show my point.

- And as for the PSP. It's sold eighteen million units (18,000,000) the most successful handheld outside of Nintendo. So that is considered a failure?
What other handhelds have there been? Game gear, Neo Geo pocket, NGage... Not many others... So to say it is the most sucsessful outside of Nintendo, that isn't saying much. Would you say the UMD has been sucsessful? What if Blu Ray ends up being just like the UMD. Hell, look at what sony has had in the past...

Beta tape VS video tape
Minidisk VS HD players
UMD VS... Well, it didn't really have competition and still isn't doing well. What is saying that in the near future that the Blu Ray won't do the same??

Think of this as well: Hyundai routinely outsells Ferrari's. Will this lead to Ferrari going bust?
Ferarri's are superior cars in every sense...

Cut down your discomfort wings.
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