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bloodsnow (Offline)
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Smile can someone please tell me what the shawl-looking wrap thing around Tomoe is called? - 07-18-2007, 04:40 AM

I am having trouble finding out what the purple/blue shawl-wrap thing is that Tomoe wears in the Kenshin OVA Trust and betrayal as well as the red sash going up from her obi into her kimono is called?

Can someone please help me?

Here is a picture of the red sash thing in her obi and the purple shawl thing at:

I was also wondering if someone tell me what kind of hairstyle of Tomoe is wearing in and what she is using to tie it back with?

Here is a picture of her hairstyle:

Sorry I do not know how to put pictures on my posts yet.

Thank you for your help.

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