Thread: Long Distance
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Suki (Offline)
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07-18-2007, 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by Yggdrazzil View Post
Okay so clearly in your opinion that's not true what is?

For me love only requires a person to have the emotion [love] and attach it to a [personality] wether that personality is fictional (internet personality) or not is irrelevant in to me...For the sake of identifying love that is I'm not one for internet or long distance love myself, see previous posts
Well, if that personality is fictional then you're lying to yourself! I think that people who get off on the Internet know none of that is real, but just a way to pass the time; either that or they cannot get it the real way and that makes them feel more confident? I dunno.

I think that to fall in love you need to know the person fully, and that does not happen when there's a screen between them.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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