Originally Posted by jasonbvr
I may fly over for a visit since a friend is back in Beijing now but not for a year or two. Wo ai Zhongguo keshi Riwen shi wode jia. ( I totally know a f-ed that one up, can't remember what home is. )
You got it right, but japan is riben. The characters would be 我爱中国,可是日本是我的家。
I'll be in China for a few more years, provided China and America don't start some massive trade war that turns every Chinese citizen against Americans. With the way things are going American's soon might be second on the Chinese "Most Hated Nations" list. We might already be, according to a Japanese classmate of mine. So, if I don't have to run for the hills I'll be around for a while. Look me up if you ever come. Should I ever be able to save enough money to visit Japan I'll PM you.