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Suki (Offline)
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07-20-2007, 10:50 AM

Hello again! ^.^

Yes, because is porqué and why is por qué. Easy peasy.

Thank you so much for the domo/sama, chan/kun explanation. Japanese is the only language I know that uses this kind of sufixes. So when you have just met someone is it politer to call him/her (name)-sama at first?

Actually I think knowing loads of grammar isn't that important as long as you can use the language accuratly. Like if you want to get to speak English well you need to spend a lot of time in places where English is spoken, so that you get used to hearing and feel forced to use it as well. There's no point in going to a language academy cause doesn't matter how hard you study, books cannot teach you everything.

That language you talk about is Catalan (which indeed is spoken only in Catalonia) and it's my mother tongue. Well, the truth is that every Catalan speaking can use Spanish just as well, but as I told you there is sort of rivality between Catalonia and the rest of Spain, and some people here refuse to use Spanish at all. xDDDD So yeah, it is a complet different language but it's got pretty much in common:

English ---> It's rainning, can I borrow your umbrella?
Spanish ---> Está lloviendo, ¿me dejas el paraguas?
Catalan ---> Està plovent, em deixes el paraigües?

(lol it's just started rainning for real! xD)

I'd say Catalan is more similar to French than Spanish. And Latin seems more like German to me... cause of the declinations (I love Classic Latin, been studying it for 1 year and that was enough to get charmed).

That soup you mean must be "escudella/brou". I cannot see the pic but I figured out it must be something like this:

That's a typical dish we eat at Christmas time.

As for the Historial matter, I think you must know more than me about this since you study Medieval History. I just read a book called Un Soñador Para Un Pueblo (A Dreamer For The People) by Antonio Buero Vallejo. He's a well known author. It's about King Charles III of Spain (1716-1788) and Marquis of Esquilache, and how they want to introduce the Enlightenment to the country without taking into account the people's needs.

I love historical novels. This one is theater though.

What we basically study at school is General Franco's coup, the conflic between frascists and republicans that led to the Civil War, and stuff like that. If you're interested in something particular let me know!!

I'll read you soon! XxX

everything is relative and contradictory ~

Last edited by Suki : 07-20-2007 at 10:52 AM.
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