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Sanchome (Offline)
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07-20-2007, 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by yukkon View Post
I'm sorry.
you use a word [sorta] ....What does it mean?
"Sorta" is short for "sort of". "sorta" is probably considered slang. In some cases, it might mean about the same as "somewhat".

You can use it in a sentence like this:

Question: Do you like that band?
Answer: Sorta / Sort Of

It means you like it a little or you aren't sure if you like it.

Another example:

That shirt is Sort Of / Sorta expensive.

It means the shirt is a bit expensive, but maybe not really expensive.

One more example:

I am sorta cold.

It means - I am somewhat cold.

I guess someone here who is fluent in Japanese can explain it better.
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